
A Complete Landscape Operation and Maintenance Software
in Singapore

Up to 70% Company Training Committee (CTC) Grant

Transform your business with an all- in-one system:

Treescape landscape maintenance software

Scan trees QR code and manage their health statuses

Create, assign and monitor a variety of tasks

Analyze operations, improve efficiency and lower expenses costs

View landscape project profitability and manage expense costs seamlessly

Treescape power in action 10

At Treescape, our hearts beat to the rhythm of the landscape industry

We are dedicated to crafting specialized Landscape Operation Maintenance Management solutions tailored specifically to meet the unique needs and challenges of your business. It is more than meets the eye with Treescape's software - completely automating your laborious operations.

Our Story

with our years of experience, we are committed to stay at the forefront by keeping in touch with state-of-art technology and providing top notch customer service support.

Since 2009

We are a next-generation company that provides solutions to businesses that will transform their operations into the digital age and propel productivity growth.

We are inspired to keep working on continuous improvement in Agile methodology for Treescape Power software development.


“With Treescape Power, you will be able to save hundreds of hours each year."

Jeffrey Tan - Founder & CEO


Every plant begins with the interest of a seed. The growth journey that each business embarks with us is different and it will change the perspective of productivity.

Manage landscape projects easily