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Manange maintenance with our Facilities Management Software

Manage maintenance efficiently, painlessly across multiple locations and within your budget.

At Treescape, we want to know your business goals.
Our experts are here to help you turn your problems into opportunities.

Importance of a Field Service Software

  • Allocate resources effectively
  • Oversee multiple projects
  • Streamlined task assignment and tracking
  • Calendar view of your tasks

Cloud-based Facilities Management Software


Field Service Management
Ensuring clear communication and accountability

Project Management Functions
Oversee multiple projects & allocate resources

Scalability and Flexibility
Designed to accommodate the growing needs of your businesses


Task Tracking & Reporting
Monitor and track job tasks and inventory

Centralized Database
Access and manage data anytime, anywhere

Mobile Accessibility
View project information on-the-go

Task Assignment Process

Treescape Website

Treescape Features

Create multiple team members

Scan QR codes to get job details

Automatic task reminders

Job task scheduling on-the-go

Upload photos or files for each task

Allocate manpower based on projects

Grow your business with Treescape!

Eligible clients can get up to 50% government grant (EDG) and up to 90% out-of-pocket expenses from SFEC grant.

landscape software

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