Lay a productive foundation so that you
and/or your employees can be the most productive, which is key to you attaining your goals and having success.

Treescape Power system 54

Time Management

To implement simple time management techniques in order to be the most productive you can be.
As mentioned earlier, good time management is key to being as productive as possible; time is one of the three elements of productivity. If you don’t manage your time well, time will be wasted, as you will not be able to produce as much as you could if you managed your time better.

Distractions Hindered Your Productivity

The Return On Investment (ROI)

Therefore, you need to manage your time as efficiently as possible in order to be as productive as possible. To do that, you need to monitor your time very carefully and ensure you are working efficiently during the times you are working to ensure you are utilizing your time to the best of your ability. The same goes when you manage employees/outsourcers as well to ensure they are utilizing their time as well as possible to ensure you are getting the maximum return on
investment (ROI) of their salaries or payments.


Time how long it takes you to complete specific tasks. If you work at a computer or at a mobile device, you can easily track the time it takes you to complete a task via the clock on the computer or mobile device. Note the time you start a project- it’s preferable to write down the start time on a piece of paper, in a text file, or in a spreadsheet file such as .xls or .xlsm rather than just remembering it in your head). Then, note the time you work until the time you take a break.
Note the break time as well to see how long of a break you take, then note the time you start back up again. Note that you should also mark downtimes you are interrupted due to some distraction and mark it down as a distraction. Note again until you take your next break or have another distraction; continue doing this until you finish the project.

“At least 40% of all businesses will be gone in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies .”

John Chambers, Cisco