The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) provides funding support to Singapore-based companies to upgrade their Brand and Marketing strategies.
EDG also supports projects that help you upgrade and innovate your business in order for you to remain competitive during and after this Covid Pandemic and funds local businesses to grow and transform by strengthening core capabilities.
It was set up in October 2018 replacing the existing Capability Development Grant (CDG).
As of the latest budget announcement, the SMEs are eligible to get up to 70% and the non-SMEs are eligible to get up to 50% of qualified costs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
It was announced that EDG grant support will be for SMEs up to 70%; non-SMEs up to 50% of qualified costs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
For Food Services and Retail sectors, the support level will be at up to 80% from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
It takes 8 to 12 weeks for a reply. Clarity of proposal and application will hasten the approval process.
You will receive a letter of offer which you must accept within a time frame within the business grant portal. Or you will receive a letter of rejection.
Depending on the scope of your project, the timeline could range from 3 to 6 months. This includes time to establish proposed objectives and conduct research. Our typical software application project takes about 3 to 6 months.
The application process would be complicated for some.
If you have officially appointed us as your consultant, we are more than happy to guide
Yes, CDG (Capability Development Grant) is officially closed. CDG is the precursor to EDG.
Make sure your organization or group holdings meet these criteria:
• Group sales turnover less than or equal to S$100 million
• Group employment size less than or equal to 200.
Prepare the following documents (if applicable):
Last 3 years Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet
Latest audited group financial statements, not more than 18 months old Project Proposal
Quotation for equipment, hardware, or software
Supporting documents for salary support
Consulting firm’s proposal
Other documents depending on the grants you are applying for
• Discuss project with consultant
• Consulting firms and vendors will provide a project proposal outlining the scope of work.
• Applicant prepares company proposals to build a business case. (Our consultants can assist in this area.)
• Designated EDG application can use the proposal to apply online at Business Grants Portal.
• Companies may be interviewed by ESG prior to project approval.
• Await award notification through the portal with the exact grant amount.
• Accept letter of offer and notify project partners.
Apply directly at Business Grants Portal.
This website aims to provide the latest information on Enterprise Singapore’s (ESG) Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) in a single portal. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of AMG Concept Pte Ltd and do not reflect the official policy or position of ESG or any agency of the Singapore Government. All information contains herein is subjected to change by Enterprise Singapore. All grants are subjected to final approval by Enterprise Singapore. AMG Concept Pte Ltd does not represent ESG and does not claim to represent ESG in any way. This website is not affiliated nor endorsed by Enterprise Singapore or the Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore.
© 2021 AMG Concept Pte Ltd