
Historically, productivity measurement systems are almost always not welcome to managers and workers alike. The strongest objection to the measurement of knowledge worker productivity is the inaccuracy of the results.

This productivity measurement is very valuable as a dynamic gauge, not a static measure. What this means is that since these inaccuracies are consistent, the dynamic measure will be an accurate indicator of the relative change.

However, managers assume that the exercise is not that important and a useless measure for the simple reason that it is not that accurate.

The expectation of workers is another tall hurdle in implementing productivity measures. In the past, productivity efforts were detailed and highly organized, very structured, and well-documented.

Productivity measures of knowledge work are more loosely structured and less accurate than the measures of other types of work. People are always reluctant to accept anything less structured and less accurate.

Suggested solutions

In the past, knowledge work has been exempted from productivity evaluations because of complexity. It also has some costs.

To offset this mindset, authors and experts suggest preparing the work area and the people involved. A big part of managing these productivity programs includes discussions, group participation, and self-evaluation.

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