AMG Concept Pte Ltd

“One of the leading causes of digital adoption failure is improper training. If employees do not understand how to correctly use newly implemented technology, or are unaware of additional features, it obviously limits the effectiveness of the program.”

Manish Dudharejia,

Treescape Power system 35

Digital Technology Adoption

Digital Technology adoption is a state where all of an enterprise’s digital assets, especially applications, are being used optimally to deliver business value, enhance employee experience, and increase user productivity.

To achieve a state in which users gain the ability to use digital tools as they are intended and to the fullest extent. It is taking a brand-new user and helping them become entirely self-sufficient and competent. ... Software adoption is only part of the digital adoption process.

What Is Digital Adoption and Why Does it Matter?

The best digital adoption strategies

  • Eliminate employee resistance to change
  • Provide in-app training
  • Provide contextual and personalized training to each user
  • Provide users with learning content in multiple formats
  • Maximize engagement and adoption of pre-existing content
  • Keep your employees up-to-date
  • Track user progress, usage insights, and motivation

We made for learners with content in multiple formats

To cater to various learning preferences, especially if you have already developed this content, it’s smart to provide learners with as many formats to do initial and reinforcement learning via the following methods:

  • LMS Online Learning Course
  • Videos
  • PDF
  • Hot URL
  • Article
  • SlideShare

“At least 40% of all businesses will be gone in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies .”

John Chambers, Cisco